More 3-squares generated for the pop-up exhibition in May, but not exhibited. ape gun end

ars woe new art woo new ass see see boo odd odd eek eve key fat ass tsk fir ivy rye her ego rod her ego rot her eye red her ire sad his irk sky ick rue key joy ire zen pat ass tsk tea orb try tea urn try the hag ego the hen end the hog ego the hue eel why rue yet yes art pay


Composed with words from litscape. Including diagonals.

Ars: Latin for art, also arse. Awn: n. “The delicate spinous process, or ‘beard,’ that terminates the grain-sheath of barley, oats, and other grasses; extended in Botany to any similar bristly growth.”, v. “trans. To put before a person’s eyes; to show, manifest. refl. To manifest oneself, appear. Obsolete”, “intr. To hang as or like an awning.” “trans. To cover or shelter with an awning. Said also of the awning itself.” (OED)
Tow: n. “The fibre of flax, hemp, or jute prepared for spinning by some process of scutching.”, “A rope. Chiefly Sc.”, “spec. A hangman’s rope, a halter.”, “Orig. an iron chain; later, a large iron link, attached to the heel of the turn-wrest plough, and by which this is drawn. Also called tow-chain n.”, v. “trans. To draw by force; to pull, drag.”, “spec. To draw or drag (a vessel, persons in a boat, etc.) on the water by a rope.” (OED)
Tsk: int. “A sound expressing commiseration; an exclamation of disapproval or irritation.” (OED)
Ire: n. “Anger; wrath. Now chiefly poet. and rhetorical.” (OED)
Ick: n. = icky “A person who is ignorant of true swinging jazz and likes the ‘sweet’ kind. U.S.”, “Something which is sickly, disagreeable; sickness.”, int. “[Probably the same word; compare ugh, yuck, etc.] An expression of distaste or revulsion.” (OED)
Rue: v. “trans. With impersonal subject and with the person (in early use dative or accusative) as object. To affect with sorrow or regret; to distress, grieve. Frequently with it as subject and clause as complement, and without it and with following clause as implicit subject. Now arch.” (OED)
Jiz: variant of jizz n. semen. (Online Slang Dictionary)
Tot: n. “A person of disordered brain, a simpleton, a fool. Obsolete.”, “The total of an addition, sometimes having tot. written against it; hence, an addition sum; also ( tot-up) the action of tot v.2: adding up, totalling. Also gen., the total number or amount.” (OED)
Err: v. “To go wrong in judgement or opinion: to make mistakes, blunder. Of a formula, statement, etc.: To be incorrect.” (OED)
Aby: older form of abbey or abye v. “trans. To pay the penalty for (an offence); to atone for, suffer for, make amends for, expiate (a crime, one’s sins, another’s guilt, etc.).” Tut: int. “An ejaculation (often reduplicated) expressing impatience or dissatisfaction with a statement, notion, or proceeding, or contemptuously dismissing it. (The Sc. toot, toots, expresses mild expostulation.)”, also “A tit, a teat. Obsolete”, “apparently a variant of toute n. Obsolete, buttocks.” (OED)
Yap: n. “A dog that yaps; a yelping cur. Now dialect.”, “A fool, someone easily taken in; also, an uncultured or unsophisticated person. dialect and U.S. slang.”, adj. “Clever, cunning; shrewd, astute; nimble, active”, “Eager or ready, esp. to do something. Obsolete.”, v. “intr. To bark sharply, as a small dog; to yelp.”, To talk idly or loquaciously; to chatter. Also trans., with quoted words as object slang (orig. dialect).” (OED)