Started learning Vim. Difficult to explain where that comes from. I think I like the command-based approach and the abstraction. As usual, thereis is the lure of ‘productivity’, hailed by Vim defenders as the new (in fact quite old) dawn of text processing. I can imagine now the sort of improvements one can get out of it, especially once one has stepped into the milky bath of macros. Soon enough. For now, still pretty much a battle, as I tend to want to learn all the commands in one go, without letting myself get into all that chunk by chunk.

It still is fairly good, and not as hard as I expected, and if approached as a game it can be quite addictive (finding the best key combination for the task at hand, and feeling one continually improves), but it is essential to reach that level when the pressure is not too high that it impedes, rather than improves, productivity (which can be somewhat high in this program).

A few resources that got me into the whole thing:

Edit (25/09/18): it really does seem there is no end to discoveries on the vim front…