I am the most in desire
I am the most in desire for the same thing I could try and be a matter of the dark it or the beautiful in the brain of the end of the world all too well then on the contrary that’s it I can’t I can’t this whole wallowing fingers fingers and this this stuff this shit the same thing the same thing is there anything more than
My transform is impediments as the posteriorating of it all as the abyss of it all
But of course there’s nothing else. And then of course the problem of pain of the pit. As in. The mind. Haha. As if. Yeah. Erased. Being so low. Death then what will be no work no not now not as if no way I do I do necessarily a massive stupid pure idea of the world one seems to be happy and remembering the basis of goal haha the eyes blah yeah you whine you whine yeah you know when you are nothing you just write just something here just doing nothing etc etc something inside a few steps out and then as if something like a better life the forms a bench the cards the cheeks absurd that’s a point of
Second batch from AIT.